Translators' Forum > Miscellanea
Translation\Interpreting help
Could you please, help me with information for translation of oil refinery risks\oil transportation risks?
Please, if you have any experience\ideas of where can I find smth useful on the oil transportation risks, direct me there!
I will be thankful for any info.
Your question is too general, specify, pls. Are you interested in legal or technical or business side of this process?
The topic is the following: "Risks of oil products stewardship"...
I appreciate any possible help. Thanks in advance!
Have no experience in this field, and still the topic's name doesn't clarify anything.
Want a friendly advice? To get help in translation business give in your question as many details as you have.
Good luck!
--- Quote from: SS. on 17 April 2011, 20:16:43 ---Have no experience in this field, and still the topic's name doesn't clarify anything.
Want a friendly advice? To get help in translation business give in your question as many details as you have.
Good luck!
--- End quote ---
Thanks a lot!
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