Translators' Forum > Belles-Lettres Translation
Translation of a novel
Please, advice, how much could it cost to translate a novel from English into Russian (novel for women, very simple text).
The volume is: 75 450 words, 431 187 characters with spaces, 351 494 characters without spaces.
Could you, please, also advice the time frames.
First of all, who will pay you for this job? Is it a foreign, Russian or Ukrainian publishing house?
Are you waiting for a proposal or want to do the translation on your own and sell it to a publishing house?
--- Quote from: SS. on 22 April 2011, 18:33:16 ---First of all, who will pay you for this job? Is it a foreign, Russian or Ukrainian publishing house?
Are you waiting for a proposal or want to do the translation on your own and sell it to a publishing house?
--- End quote ---
The translation will be payed by an author who is American. Moreover not only translation itself by proofreading (made by another person) is required. So, I am waiting for a proposal but in the nearest future I can not start translation due to the lack of time. I am thinking of offering it to somebody.
You are ready to offer this job to somebody... OK, let's talk in private. ;)
By the way, reliability of the client is the next thing worth attention in such business propositions.
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