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--- Quote ---European Commission Searches for New Chief Interpreter
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В контора там солідна
--- Quote ---the SCIC is the world’s largest interpreting service with (at the time) 560 interpreters on staff, supported by an additional 3,000 freelance interpreters.
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Але дзуськи, навіть захотів би, але не проф якості тут найголовніші
--- Quote ---the EC was specifically looking for a woman to be its new interpretation chief as the proportion of female general managers was at 38% as of October 2019 — which is below the 40% target set by former EC President Jean-Claude Juncker, who left the post in 2019.
--- End quote ---
Такий приклад (позитивної ?) дискримінації дає ціла Європейська Комісія :(
European Commission Searches for New Chief Interpreter
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