Нарешті і Японії дісталася новина, що є така країна Україна в якій державною мовою є місцева, українська, мова, якою в ній названі поселення, включно зі столицею. Отже вирішено називати Київ 'kiiu' замість колишнього російського 'kiefu'.
The capital of Ukraine will be referred to on official Japanese documents as kiiu not kiefu, to more accurately reflect its pronunciation in the Ukrainian language, Japan's Foreign Ministry says.
Шкода, що це стало можливим такою ціною для України
The change in Kyiv's Japanese spelling, which is in line with the position expressed by the Ukrainian government, comes as the Japanese government has been extensively considering ways to show further support and solidarity with the war-torn country.
Continued Russian aggression in Ukraine has prompted many English-language media outlets to switch from the Russian-derived spelling of "Kiev" to the Ukrainian Cyrillic-based spelling of "Kyiv."
Для США свого часу вистачило звернення громадян:
Following an online campaign launched by the Ukrainian government in 2018, the United States Board on Geographic Names voted unanimously in June 2019 to only recognize "Kyiv" as the official spelling of the Ukrainian capital within the U.S. government.
Japan's Defense Ministry has already begun using the revised spelling in its documents, while the Foreign Ministry has been heading in the same direction based on feedback from Ukraine.
The Japanese government will eventually enforce kiiu, written in Japanese characters called katakana, as the official spelling across all ministries and agencies.
Важливо, що японці не обмежуються Києвом, обіцяють українізувати і решту української географії:
Names of other locations in Ukraine will also have their spellings changed to reflect their pronunciation in the Ukrainian language, the Foreign Ministry said.
For the Japanese government to officially make the name changes, it will first need to amend a law that stipulates the names and locations of overseas diplomatic missions.
The ministry plans to submit the necessary amendment to the next Diet session at the earliest.
Ukrainian capital to be officially referred to as 'kiiu' in Japanese
– Apr. 2, 2022. (https://japantoday.com/category/national/ukrainian-capital-to-be-officially-referred-to-as-kiiu-in-japanese?)