Author Topic: Міжнародні перекладацькі організації  (Read 524 times)


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Європейська Рада Асоціацій перекладачів-"художників" :) України там (ще) немає...

CEATL is an international non-profit association (AISBL) under Belgian law, officially created in 1993 as a platform where literary translators’ associations from different European countries could exchange views and information, and join forces to improve status and working conditions of literary translators. Set up by 10 founder members, CEATL now has about 35 member associations from 30 countries across Europe, representing some 10,000 individual authors. In recent years several associations from former Eastern Europe have joined us, as has the Turkish association ?evbir, and CEATL will continue to encourage associations in the new EU member states and in EU neighbouring countries to become members.