My Articles
Автоцензура перекладача як складова стратегії «одомашнення»
(На матеріалі перекладу роману Т.Капоте «З холодним серцем») - Translator’s autocensoring — causes and effects
А Україна ж чим завинила, або Знову за рибу гроші
(Ukrainian translation of Everything is Illuminated by J.S.Foer) -
А Україна чим завинила? // Книжковий клуб плюс. — № 9. — 2005. — С. 20–21.
До вживання правничих термінів «карний» і «кримінальний». — Наукові записки Міжнародного гуманітарного університету: Зб. — О.: Міжнар. гуманітар. ун-т, 2007. — Вип. 6. — С. 156–160.
Замовник як критерій якості перекладу
(на матеріалі українсько–англійського перекладу юридичного тексту)The article deals with the customer role in evaluation of translator’s work. Ukrainian legal text, its English translation and the customer’s comments are considered. It is stressed that Ukrainian translatologists fall behind their Western colleagues in this matter. Also dependence of a translator on the target language text quality and coo-peration with the editor is considered.
Key words: translator, customer, editor, legal term, Ukrainian-English.
«Карний» vs «кримінальний» або До впорядкування національної правничої термінології
The purpose of this paper is to show that policemy of Ukrainian legal term «кримінальний» goes against the basic definition of a term and to prove that another word «карний» which came back in the early 1990-s should be used together with «кримінальний».
Крапки і їх вживання в тексті перекладу художньо–публіцистичного твору
The article deals with punctuation — namely marks of omission — in source and target belles-lettres texts. Although certain changes are possible in order to conform to the rules of Ukrainian punctuation chiefly during transformations on paragraph level, in general excessive usage of marks of omission in the text of translation corrupts the ST.
Неперевершений Майстер перекладу // Вісник НТШ. — 2003. — Ч. 30. — С. 26–27.
Переклад одиниць юридичної терміносистеми в тексті художньо-публіцистичного твору
(На матеріалі перекладу «небелетристичного роману» Т.Капоте «З холодним серцем»)The article deals with the problem of legal terms functioning in a nonfiction novel, correlation between legal terms in the source text and in the text of translation. It appeared that due to extensive use of synonyms in translating legal terms into Ukrainian — «synonymous deviation» amounts to 26% — the novel became more «fictional». This means that using synonyms in translating terms may bring to changes in the translated text genre. Also some examples of the role of translator and editor in creation of Ukrainian legal terminology are given.
Спрощення при перекладі юридичних термінів в художньому тексті
(На матеріалі перекладу збірки оповідань В.Фолкнера «Гамбіт конем»)The article deals with translation of Anglo-American law terminology in belles-lettres texts into Ukrainian. The difference in law terms development is considered to be a key issue to complicate the translation process. It makes translators to use the method of simplification partially translating foreign law terms. Cases of application of simplification in translation are evaluated. It is proved that sometimes simplification brings translators to mistakes and cases of vulgarization in the TL text.
- Legal Terms as a Translation Studies Problem
The article deals with the translator’s autocensoring when translating the novel In Cold Blood by T. Capote. It appeared that the translator took fragments out of the original text in order to simplify the translation and due to autocensoring to meet ideological restrictions in the USSR in 1960-x. This made the translation 17.35 % shorter than the original text and changed its genre: psychological non-fiction novel-investigation turned into a detective story.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the fact that translators’ work is important for creating system of Ukrainian national terms of law. Examples of legal terms translation in mass-media and in belles-lettres texts are used to prove the idea that while improving Ukrainian legal terminology, terminologists should use experience of translators. Examples of translators’ failures and successes are given.